
Follow Up and Trust

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Hear what our partners have to say.

Wanted to thank you for your support of our growing team here. As mentioned our ideal candidate has the skills set of the typical managed care position in the market — however their responsibilities go somewhat beyond that position as well — your ability to help identify candidates that fit this narrow pool has been very helpful.

That surely has been the result of your taking to the time to connect live with me to peel away at what seems to be the obvious requirements for the position and get at the heart of what the candidate needs to accomplish in order for our organization to successfully accomplish our goals.

Beyond that you consistently follow up both verbally and via email in a very timely manner — that consistency is something I have come to expect from you and it is greatly valued.

Once again, thanks for your support Kim. Look forward to your continued support as we find the need to add to the bench here.

VP Market Access, Diagnostic

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“The difference between a breakthrough innovation and a life changing medicine is the people who stop at nothing to bring it to patients. Connecting innovation with people is what CKA was founded to do.”